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The Otter who loved to hold hands

The Otter who loved to hold hands

Regular price $12.90
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Every evening Otto's family comes together to hold hands when they sleep. But in the morning Otto doesn't want to let go Poor Otto's parents can't get anything done with him holding on to them, but he's just too worried and afraid to be left on his own. But one day Mom opens a special shell with a pearl inside that sparks Otto's attention It's beautiful and he can see another otter inside of it, reaching out to him Otto takes the pearl into his hands -- and realizes that he's not holding on to his Mom or Dad anymore, and he feels fine!

This book is FSC certified, which means you are helping animals in the wild by choosing a product that comes from a sustainable source!

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Wellington Zoo is a charitable trust and a member of Zoo and Aquarium Association Australasia (ZAA) and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). Wellington Zoo is the world's first carboNZero certified zoo.